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Please complete this survey to understand where you exist in the SPARK spectrum. The idea is for you to not only understand the concepts of these Statements within the 5 elements, but to actually live them consistently and optimally by the end of your learning and growth journey from success to significance.

SPARK Measurement Survey

How much do you agree with the following statements? Rate yourself (1 - 10 scale, with 10 being perfect).


Service Mantra: I operate and serve all my stakeholders at my optimum capacity.
Secret Sauce: I always aspire to give more than is expected of me to take my contribution from ordinary to extraordinary.
Namaste Concept: When I give of myself, I do so focused on serving others unconditionally and wholeheartedly, without connecting to what is in it for me.

purpose ELEMENT

Birth-day Gift: I have found the gift I was born with and have optimized it to infuse 360 degree impact personally, professionally and through social causes.
UPC: I have tapped into my ultimate purpose in life and have aligned this to everything I do creating congruence in my life.
Fluid Flow State: I have found a natural rhythm to executing my life, including the most mundane aspects.

attraction ELEMENT

Affirmation Attraction: I have a clear rally cry that I recite loudly twice a day when I wake up and go to sleep that is aligned to my life.
Activity Impact: I am completely focused on creating peak impact and significance by avoiding being caught up in the activity trap.
Dare to Dream: I have multiplied my personal value manifold in all aspects of life.

Resilience ELEMENT

Inverse Paranoid Mentality: I fully understand the world is with me, not against me, and any hurdle is a blessing and opportunity to grow and flourish.
Positive Mental Attitude: I have a positive mindset fueled by hope, optimism and courage.
Bounce Back Better: Each time I fall down I rebound bigger, better and stronger.


Meditation: I have mastered the art of mindful meditation and am at peace with my thoughts and feelings despite any chaos occurring around me.
Journal: I initiate some form of journaling every day to reflect on life, work and service and do it consistently and diligently.
Balance: The 6 areas of my life - family, health, spirituality, finance, work, lifelong learning - are in amazing harmony.

NOTE: Don't forget to calculate and record your average SPARK Scores, as well as overall SPARK Quotient (from beginning to end) so you can track your growth throughout the program and discuss this journey with Azim during your one on one's:

  • SPARK Scores - Add up all 3 ratings for each statement under each element (i.e. 3 for Service / 3 for Purpose, etc), then Divide total rating by 3 to get your average for each element

  • SPARK Quotient - Add up all 15 statement ratings (Service to Knowing) to get a total, then divide total by 15

  • Compare your scores and quotient as you move along the program to help you identify where you may need to allocate more time to grow or pivot

Thanks for submitting!

Don't forget to record your average

SPARK Scores for future reference.


3718 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC Canada, V6H 2M3

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